Here is a step-by-step guide on how to get the number of pending transactions in Metamask using Web3-React:

Metamask: How to get pending transaction counts using web3-react?

1. Configure your MetaMask wallet and the Web3-React library

First, you need to set up your MetaMask wallet and install the web3-react library.

npx metamask installed

npm install web3-react

2. Import the required libraries into your code

In your JavaScript file, import the required libraries.

import Web3 from 'web3-react';

import MetaMaskProvider from "./metamask-provider.js";

3. Initialize the MetaMask provider and get the user address

Create an instance of MetaMaskProvider and use it to get the current user address.

const provider = new MetaMaskProvider();

const userAddress = provider.getAddress();

4. Create a Web3 instance with the MetaMask provider

Now create a new instance of `Web3'' using your provider.

const web3 = new Web3(provider);

5. Use the eth_getTransactionCountmethod to get the number of pending transactions

Use theeth_getTransactionCountmethod of theWeb3instance to get the number of pending transactions for a given address.

async function getPendingTransactions() {

const txCounts = await web3.eth.getTransactionCount(userAddress);

return txCounts;


// Call the function

getPendingTransactions().then((txCounts) => console.log(txCounts));

Use case examples

Here's how you can modify your code to handle errors and display pending transactions in a more user-friendly way.

import Web3 from 'web3-react';

import MetaMaskProvider from "./metamask-provider.js";

const provider = new MetaMaskProvider();

const web3 = new Web3(provider);

async function getPendingTransactions() {

try {

const txCounts = await web3.eth.getTransactionCount(userAddress);

return txCounts;

} catch (error) {


return 0; // Returns 0 if there are no pending transactions



// Call the function

getPendingTransactions().then((txCounts) => console.log(txCounts));

How to handle errors and edge cases

When using eth_getTransactionCount, you may encounter errors or limit issues. Here's how you can change your code to handle them:

async function getPendingTransactions() {

const txCounts = await web3.eth.getTransactionCount(userAddress);

// Check for transaction count errors

if (txCounts < 1) { // If there are no pending transactions, return 0

console.error('No pending transactions found');

return 0;


return txCounts;


// Call the function

getPendingTransactions().then((txCounts) => console.log(txCounts));

This code will log an error if there are no pending transactions and will display "0" instead.


To get the number of pending transactions in Metamask using Web3-React, you can follow these steps:

  • Initialize the MetaMask wallet and the web3-reactlibrary.
  • Get the current user address usingMetaMaskProvider.
  • Create a newWeb3instance using your provider.
  • Use theeth_getTransactionCount` method to get the number of pending transactions.

Remember to handle errors, edge cases, and potential edge issues when working with Web3-React in your applications.